Spiritual Expression Through Music

As part of our journey into documenting African Spirituality and shedding light on the nature of holistic healing, we have found ourselves immersed in the beauty of healing through drumming, singing and dancing. On the 17th of August 2019, we hosted a Bangoma event to celebrate drumming, singing and dancing within African Spirituality. Drumming isContinueContinue reading “Spiritual Expression Through Music”

The Pitika Ntuli Art Studio

The Pitika Ntuli Art Studio is full of spiritually charged artwork and literature. It contains Prof. Ntuli’s sculptures of wood, bone, metal, bronze and stone; along with his paintings and sketches. During his 30 years in exile, Pitika travelled around the world, spending the majority of that time in Swaziland and the United Kingdom; studyingContinueContinue reading “The Pitika Ntuli Art Studio”